Module Reference

Core Modules

The SDK consists of four main modules:

  • Clusters Module: Manage validator clusters, handle deposits, and register validators

  • Operator Module: Interact with network operators and manage operator relationships

  • API Module: Access network data, query states, and retrieve operational information

  • Utils Module: Helper functions for keyshare validation, share generation, and other utilities

Contract Calls

The majority of the functions within the cluster and operator modules are smart contract calls, this means that the return value of these will be the transaction receipt. As shown in the examples, this receipt can be stored to a variable and accessed to get values such as the transaction hash.

  "blockHash": "0x9e0a0b0a5296571b4e573b1cb8b23201575e0e5c9cde9e3a10b34fa2e8b0d401",
  "blockNumber": 17283901, 
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000,
  "effectiveGasPrice": "20000000000",
  "from": "0xYourWalletAddress",
  "gasUsed": 21000,
  "logs": [],
  "logsBloom": "0x000000000000000000000...",
  "status": 1,
  "to": "0xRecipientAddressHere",
  "transactionHash": "0xTxHashHere",
  "transactionIndex": 0,
  "type": "0x2"

Transaction Parameters

For each function that performs a contract call, we can include additional custom arguments alongside the function parameters. This allows us to modify the transaction details in the same way we would customize any Ethereum transaction before sending it.

An example of this can be seen here where we update the gas limit like so:

const tx = await sdk.clusters.registerValidators({
  args: {
    keyshares: available,
    depositAmount: parseEther('10'),
  gas: 1000000n,

Parameter List

Below is a list of parameters that can be included within the transaction, for more details you can check Viem's page on transaction parameters.

gas: number,
gasPrice: bigint,
maxFeePerGas: bigint,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint,
nonce: number,
value: bigint,
chain: Chain,
account: Account,
chain: Chain,
accessList: AccessList,

Last updated

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