Create Validator Keys

The SSV SDK does not natively support programatically generating keystores out of the box, but a number of external libraries can be used to achieve this.

If you do not need to do this programatically, it may be easier to use the Ethereum Staking Deposit CLI to generate validator keys.

As this is not part of the SSV SDK, SSV is not liable for any misuse of the packages used to generate validator keys in the method show below.

Start by installing the packages that are needed to run the script below.

npm i viem @chainsafe/bls-keygen @chainsafe/bls-keystore @chainsafe/bls @chainsafe/ssz @lodestar/config @lodestar/params @lodestar/state-transition @lodestar/types abitype dotenv

Then the createValidatorKeys function will return the keystores, deposit data, and secret key.

import type { SupportedChains, chains } from '@/config/chains'
import { deriveEth2ValidatorKeys, generateRandomSecretKey } from '@chainsafe/bls-keygen'
import { create } from '@chainsafe/bls-keystore'
import bls from '@chainsafe/bls/herumi'
import { fromHexString, toHexString } from '@chainsafe/ssz'
import type { ChainConfig } from '@lodestar/config'
import { holeskyChainConfig, mainnetChainConfig } from '@lodestar/config/networks'
import { DOMAIN_DEPOSIT } from '@lodestar/params'
import { ZERO_HASH, computeDomain, computeSigningRoot } from '@lodestar/state-transition'
import { ssz } from '@lodestar/types/phase0'
import type { Address } from 'abitype'
import type { Hex } from 'viem'
import { sha256, toBytes, toHex } from 'viem'

const chainConfigs: Record<keyof typeof chains, ChainConfig> = {
  mainnet: mainnetChainConfig,
  holesky: holeskyChainConfig,

type ValidatorKeysArgs = {
  index?: number
  count: number
  chain: SupportedChains
  withdrawal: Address
  password: string
  masterSK?: Uint8Array

export type DepositData = {
  pubkey: string
  withdrawal_credentials: string
  amount: number
  signature: string
  deposit_message_root: string
  deposit_data_root: string
  fork_version: string
  network_name: 'mainnet' | 'holesky'

// Add this verification function
function verifyDepositRoot(
  pubkey: Hex,
  withdrawalCredentials: Hex,
  amount: number,
  signature: Hex,
  expectedRoot: Hex,
): boolean {
  // Pad pubkey with 16 zero bytes
  const pubkeyPadded = toBytes(pubkey)
  const padding16 = new Uint8Array(16)
  const pubkeyRoot = sha256(new Uint8Array([...pubkeyPadded, ...padding16]), 'bytes')

  // Split and pad signature
  const signatureBytes = toBytes(signature)
  const signaturePart1 = signatureBytes.slice(0, 64)
  const signaturePart2 = new Uint8Array([...signatureBytes.slice(64), Uint8Array(32)])

  const signatureRoot = sha256(
    new Uint8Array([ Uint8Array(sha256(signaturePart1, 'bytes')), Uint8Array(sha256(signaturePart2, 'bytes')),

  // Pack amount with 24 zero bytes
  const amountBytes = new Uint8Array(8)
  new DataView(amountBytes.buffer).setBigUint64(0, BigInt(amount), true)
  const amountPadded = new Uint8Array([...amountBytes, Uint8Array(24)])

  const node = sha256(
    new Uint8Array([
      ...sha256(new Uint8Array([...pubkeyRoot, ...toBytes(withdrawalCredentials)]), 'bytes'),
      ...sha256(new Uint8Array([...amountPadded, ...signatureRoot]), 'bytes'),

  return toHex(node) === expectedRoot

export async function createValidatorKeys({
  index = 0,
  masterSK = generateRandomSecretKey(),
}: ValidatorKeysArgs) {
  const keystores = []
  const deposit_data = []

  const chainConfig = chainConfigs[chain]

  for (let i = index; i < count; i++) {
    const sk = bls.SecretKey.fromBytes(deriveEth2ValidatorKeys(masterSK, i).signing)
    const pubkey = sk.toPublicKey()
    const pubkeyBytes = pubkey.toBytes()

    const keystore = await create(password, sk.toBytes(), pubkeyBytes, `m/12381/3600/${i}/0/0`)

    // Generate deposit data
    const withdrawalCredentials = fromHexString(
      '0x010000000000000000000000' + withdrawal.replace('0x', ''),

    const depositMessage = {
      pubkey: pubkeyBytes,
      amount: 32e9,

    const domain = computeDomain(DOMAIN_DEPOSIT, chainConfig.GENESIS_FORK_VERSION, ZERO_HASH)

    const signingRoot = computeSigningRoot(ssz.DepositMessage, depositMessage, domain)

    const depositData = {
      signature: sk.sign(signingRoot).toBytes(),

    const depositDataRoot = ssz.DepositData.hashTreeRoot(depositData)

    const generated = {
      pubkey: toHexString(pubkey.toBytes()).replace('0x', ''),
      withdrawal_credentials: toHexString(withdrawalCredentials).replace('0x', ''),
      amount: 32000000000,
      signature: toHexString(depositData.signature).replace('0x', ''),
      deposit_message_root: toHexString(signingRoot).replace('0x', ''),
      deposit_data_root: toHexString(depositDataRoot).replace('0x', ''),
      fork_version: toHexString(chainConfig.GENESIS_FORK_VERSION).replace('0x', ''),
      network_name: chain,

    // Add verification before pushing to deposit_data
    const isValid = verifyDepositRoot(

    if (!isValid) {
      throw new Error(`Generated deposit data verification failed for validator ${i}`)

  return {

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